James was my best friend, my hero, and my son.
We have taught each other so much thru the years growing up together.
James always tried to protect me growing up. I always knew he would turn out to be a hero. He was a great young
man and I thank God that He gave him to me in the time that I had with him. Thank you all for all the wonderful
things you have done in remembrance of my son.
I love you James. You have fallen but not forgotten. I love you
- MOM Semper Fi
Nov. 20. 2006
James it has been a year but only feels like yesterday ithink of you everyday
i miss you so your brother is now 16 he had a better b-day then last he misses you so much he got a very nice truck for his
b-day thanks to his big brother thank you james for all that you have gave to your family and are freedom we will meet again
miss you so
-- love mom
Nov. 7, 2007
Happy Birthday James we miss you so very much everyday we think of you it is
so hard to go on with out you Love you so much Forever in our hearts Mom Jan 12 1986
- Mom
Jan. 9, 2008
I've learned that time doesn't heal all things... what time does... is, it...
gives you the ability to learn to live with the pain. It becomes a part of you. The missing him... loving him... and the pain
of losing him... is the same as day one. I've just learned to live with it. Talking about him... remembering the good times...
the crazy times... is good... and needed. He was everything in life I wanted to be. The knowledge... that some day God willing...
I'll see him again... gives me a small measure of peace. James I Will Never Forget You...
- Mom
March 13, 2008
Happy Valentines Day James there is not a day go by that i don't think about
you i miss you so very much love you mom.
- Mom
Feb. 14, 2009
James was my very best friend and the love of my life.
These times have been so hard for all of us. It is so hard to face that
he is gone. We received a memory card the other day from Iraq with pictures of James and some of his friends.
That was so hard to get. Thank you all for all of your love and support.
I love you James always and forever!
- Jamie
Nov. 20, 2006
James...In a few days it will have been a year since we last saw each other.
I know that you are watching over me everyday. I feel you with me always. I think of you everyday. I love you with all my
heart and soul. You will never be forgotten. Thank you for fighting for our country. I know that we will see each other again
one day...Rest in Peace.
-- Love Jamie
July 3, 2007
James man so much to say..but one thing i know to say is that i love you and
miss you..well james was outgoing and he made everyone laugh.. But he went through so much.. I know this. Our life have change
from this .. It makes me think more of what could happen to dillen.. And mom and my family.. Me and james talk 2 weeks before
he had passed.. Mom talked to him for 20 mins.. And woke dillen up so james talked to him about fishing, how have you been
doing, are you good and stuff... Then my turn i got on the phone sooo sleepy..And i was like hello.. i heard his voice it
made my eyes water..and he was like how have you been doing .. I say good. he was like you better be.. i go i am.. he goes
i'm going to get your ass when i get home, i laughed, he goes you think i'm playing ... and i go no.. then we said our byes
and give the phone back to mom... god i'm going to miss him bodyslaming me and farting on my head..hehehehe.. and blowing
darts at me but hehe that hurt. but what hurts the most is him not walking though the house .. and he would hit his toe or
something and would yell ohhhhh and jump up and down...I wanted my brother to grow old so when i need him we could talk and
i wanted him to have kids which he really wanted... Bubba I miss you and i love you and i am taking care of mom. i
know you want that. you always take care of her..and james I looked up to you and still do. you died for us and one
day we will come back together in peace...
-- Carma (James' sister)
Nov. 24, 2006
I first met James when he moved to Owensville in the third
grade. At first me and him were kind of rivals because we both liked the same girls all the time. By 5th grade we started
hanging out a lot more because of sports. In middle school he was my right hand man. We had every class together so we became
very close. We had so much fun being class clowns and acting so perverted, haha Brown was so nasty. We were always getting
in trouble at Owensville but we didn't care because we had fun.
Once we got to High School we both hung out with different
crowds. We still bonded through freshman wrestling and 4 years of football. Plus our lockers were right next to each other
almost every year. He was crazy as hell and you couldn't help but admire him. Anybody that ever met Brown was greatly impacted
by the presence he carried with him.
He was the one who got me interested in boxing. Our senior
year I started driving to Evansville with him two or three times a week to box. Not once did I find the courage to box him.
He was an animal in the ring. Once the bell rang he was coming at you with punch after punch. I looked up to James a lot.
He is the most courageous, mean, tough, and intimidating man that I have ever known. Any time you hear a story about Brown,
it is most likely the craziest thing you've ever heard. Like when he beat the hell out of his Nissan car after he body slammed
two or three people at a party.
James Brown is a true hero. He has my respect, honor, pride,
and love. I am very honored and proud to have known him so well. Thank you for serving our country.
I miss you so much Brown. You will forever be in my heart and
on my mind. Much love Brown!
- Jason Boyle
Nov. 7, 2006
James and I knew each other since our first day in the marine corps. He
will always be one of my best friends. love you brown
-- LCpl Jude C. Hays, Louisville
Nov. 11, 2006
Chris Hays has served two tours in Iraq.
Today is the birthday of our great corps. The corps isn't great because someone
said it was. Our corps is great because of the immortal fraternity formed by the Marines who lived, fought, and bled for not
only their country but their fellow Marines. I never knew LCPL Brown but I know who is. He is a United States Marine and a
member of our eternal brotherhood that will never forget him. "...So be it until victory is America's and there is no enemy,
but peace." Rest in peace brother.
-- John Newman
Nov. 10. 2006
I miss and love you James. You will always be in my heart.
-- Caleb Pfohl, Ft. Branch, IN
Nov. 11, 2006
We miss you James you will never be forgotten.
-- Jordan Laswell
Nov. 12, 2006
James is my cousin and we grew up together. When I was younger I always looked
up to him. He was always a leader and he didn't seem to be afraid of anything. I still remember the time he took me frog gigging.
I guess he liked to teach people new things. I remember one thing he taught me from the frog gigging trip, It was "Don't stab
your feet with the Gig". Now that I think back on that I just laugh but he was serious at the time. Another thing I learned
from James is to put other people before yourself. James grew into a strong man and he will always be a hero in my heart.
-- Brittany Dart
Nov. 16, 2006
we all loved james and he will never be forgotten
-- Cpl. Jeremiah F. Roberts
Nov. 19, 2006
James was a very brave guy, who i looked up to. He will always be remembered
as a local hero.
-- Nick Lindauer
Nov. 19, 2006
To the Family of Lance Cpl. James E. Brown:
I will stand in grief with this soldier's family to honor him. For every
fallen HERO there is a bright star that shines in the evening sky to remind us of the cherished gift we were given –
even if for too short a time.
My heart breaks again as I sign yet another guest book of another courageous
young soldier who gave their life so selflessly. I wish I never found myself in a position to have to sign another guestbook
for the rest of my life, but I promised Brent that neither he nor any like him would be forgotten and so I will continue until
the day there is no longer the need.
We lost our son SFC Brent A. Adams on 12/1/05 and it seems like yesterday.
I wish so badly there were things I could say to you right now to make the pain you are feeling go away, but I know first
hand there simply are no words that will bring you the comfort and peace your heart aches for. Just know that you are not
alone. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you all as you go through this tragedy moment by moment and as you mourn this
We don't know each other, will probably never meet, but will forever be
united in the loss of our Heroes. We have, unfortunately joined a group none of us wanted to join, an ever-growing group of
families in this situation. May God grant you peace and strength to get through this and be able once again to smile at a
memory rather than have only the tears that flow so easily now. To be so proud of your loved one and so saddened at the same
time is a mix of emotions very difficult to deal with as our hearts both burst with pride and pain together.
I am sorry that I never knew your soldier personally. While they can never
be replaced, neither will they ever be forgotten. You must trust that sometime, someday the loving memories you have will
help to sustain you and help you go on. This courageous soldier will forever be your Angel watching over you all for the rest
of your lives. It's what brings me some measure of peace and comfort and I hope it will you as well.
To his family and friends in pain, I offer this comfort: When you find yourself
in that dark sorrowful place, think not only of how you will miss him, but instead recall the years, days, hours and minutes
gifted to you by his presence. The one thing that cannot be taken from you is your wonderful memories that now will mean more
than ever.
If you ever want to talk, I'm only an e:mail away and would love for you
to tell me more about your Hero.
God Bless this soldier and family who gave all and God Bless legacy.com
for setting up this site where families can so quickly share their condolences and prayers with others like themselves.
-- Proud Parents of SFC Brent A. Adams
KIA, 12/1/05, Ramadi, Iraq
and Bill Adams, Lancaster, PA
(reprinted with premission of Mr. and Mrs. Adams)
brown was an awesome person. i feel privileged to have met him.
i'm sorry that i couldnt do more.
-- "Doc" Hall
Nov. 22, 2006
To the Family of LCpl James E Brown ~
We understand what you are experiencing
and feeling. No amount of words can ease the pain of your loss. We know firsthand there are no words of comfort at this time.
We lost our only son 9~3~2004 at the age of 19 and it fells like yesterday. Just know that there are Marine families across
the USA who are experiencing your loss and pain.
May he rest in peace knowing that he was loved and remembered by
those who knew him as well as strangers who admired his courage and sacrifice. My deepest condolences, sympathy and
prayers go out to the entire family. May God grant you peace, strength and comfort? I will keep your family in my prayers
along with all the families of our American Hero’s. Another Fallen Hero --Thank you.
James ~ My family and I
are thankful for the Bravery, Courage, Determinination and Service to fight for our country (our freedom), from you, my son
and all the others in our armed forces for the sacrifice made for us. You all will not be forgotten.
We also have
a Marine daughter and Marine son-in-law. I still fly my Marine flag and have my Marine tag and sticker on my vehicles because
I'm PROUD of my SON and ALL THOSE MARINE MEN and WOMEN out there. I will always be a Marine. We are proud of all of you.
a Marine, Always a Marine! Yesterday, Today, Forever – Semper Fi - Marines!
-- Proud Marine Parents of
American Hero,
LCpl. Nicholas S. Perez
KIA 9~3~04 – Al Anbar Province, Iraq
(reprinted with permission of Mr. and Mrs. Perez)
Once I saw this website and began to read it tears just filled my eyes. This
was beautiful.
-- Tiffany Arnett
Nov. 29. 2006
For everyone that didn't get the opportunity to know James, you missed out.
A man like James only comes around once in a lifetime. I am glad to have known James and have him fight by my side.
I am most proud to have called James Brown my brother in arms.
-- Cpl. Barry A. Mullen
Leader, India Company
I'm James' cousin and I grew up with James once we hit a certain age we grew
up and grew apart god I wish that wasnt so...I miss James so much and I wish people would realize you have to spend time with
your family cause you never no when its going to be there time or even yours. I havent seen James in many years but that will
never change my love for him. James will always be our hero. I love you forever James Eric Brown.
-- Kristina Doty
Dec. 1, 2006
i love you james, all your brothers do. we will never forget you. when im an
old man with my own family, i will remeber you james, because you gave your life for me, so that i could live. thank you joanne
for giving his marine brothers the privelage to know james and the honor to serve with him and fight shoulder to shoulder
to him. if anyone ever needs anything or wants to talk to someone who was with him, please dont hesitate to call me at 401
258 1605 or email at afhannah02@yahoo.com. thank you james and i know you are protecting us from heaven now.
-- Adam Hannah
Dec. 6, 2006
The first time I meet James brown he was all of 8 months old he was a very cute
baby with curly hair and fat cheeks and a wonderful smile. You could tell then he already had a zest for life. I started dating
Joanne and soon fell in love with both her and James. And over the course of the next 11 years I had the blessing of being
part of his life I would like to share just a few stories about James. James always had a little mean streak I had his playpen
up against my bed and he was sleeping like a little angel so I thought I would take a little nap to I was awakened by a sharp
pain in my forehead. James had clubbed me with his glass bottle boy did it smart. When we moved over on Florida Street I meet
my friend jay we where sitting outside drinking a fifth of jack we had placed it on the ground we turned are backs for just
a second and three year old James took a big swallow he grunted and ran around in circles I think he got drunk. As James got
a little older his interest turned to movies he would make me watch his two favorites little monsters and the lost boys over
and over. He also liked to play putt putt golf go to the batting cages and fish in the little pond by my house. James turned
out to be a great man a great marine and a true American hero thank you James for the sacrifice you gave for all the American
people and me as well. I will always love you and have a place in my heart for you.
-- Craig Dart
Dec. 16, 2006
I miss you man. Everyday I reminisce on the great times we had growing up. Man
we were something else. It was so easy to make you laugh while you were reading aloud in class. Just about as easy as it was
to get you mad. Congratulations on achieving so many goals in your life. You are a true hero.
I love you Jody, stay strong.
-- Jason Boyle, Owensville, IN
I never personally knew James but I almost felt like I did. I followed his boxing
career online while I was serving in the Military in Asia. When I got out and was back home in Illinois my interest in boxing
grew and grew. I read of his dominance, his strength and his heart in the ring and for that, I envied him. I will not forget
the day I saw the article while I was on break at work that James was killed. Sick...I wept for him..I wept for his family.
James lived with honor and died with honor and because of that...his name is immortal. To his family..I pray for you..and
that you find that light out of this sadness as he is in peace now and no longer has any worries. God bless you all....God
bless you James.
-- Randy Swain
Jan. 7, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! James we love and miss you dearly. We know you had a
mission here on earth that you are now fulfulling in heaven, to make every thing better for others. You will never be forgotten.
We wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Love Mark, Misty and kids! See ya soon.
-- Misty Arnett
Jan. 11, 2007
I want to thank James for his great efforts and achievements. He was a wonderful
person. My uncle is now coming home safely from Afganistan. I wish James could be doing the same. We will all miss you so
-- Jessica Johnson
Jan. 18, 2007
I am Chris Hays aunt who is also in Iraq, and served with James. His is a great
loss, and know that he is not forgotten.
-- Carol Davis
Jan. 24, 2007
Love you, and Miss you James Eric
-- Skye Jordan
Jan. 30, 2007
James, your light will always burn bright in all of us that had the pleasure
of serving along side of you. You are and always will be remembered in our hearts forever, I know heaven is safe with you
up there. Semper Fi Bud
-- Cpl. Justin D. Kerner, India Co. 3/2
Feb. 19, 2007
All I can say is that I wish I had the time to get to know you better. You’ll
be missed James, I will see you again.
-- Jordan McNeely
Feb. 19, 2007
To The Family of James,
May God bless you and give you peace during this time of grief over the
loss of your son. His sacrifice and ours will never be forgotten. "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down
his life for his friends."
My son laid his life down as well the same day and province. They must have
been together. Luke Holler, Mike Lasky, Jason Whitehouse gave their lives along with James so we can be safe. We will NEVER
forget them and the countless others who are serving so we and others can live free.
God, keep our soldiers safe!
-- Ruth Holler
Gold Star Mom of
LCPL Luke B. Holler
Bulverde, TX
(reprinted with permission of Mrs. Holler)
Proud to have known Lance CPL James Brown.
-- Shayna Boyle
Mar. 13, 2007
Hey man,
We all miss you:( But your my hero, even though
I'm bigger. I didn't hang out with you a lot but those few times at Kenny's. He uswe to always tell me that I
might be bigger but he could still kick my butt. But i always said I was bigger. he promised me that when he got
home for good he was going to teach me how to box. Another good time was when he first got his tattoo he came out to my house,
I didn't believe that it was real and he told me it came out of a cracker jack box, and young me i believed him, until
about a month later when he and Pete came out and I figured it out, and from then on he gave me crap about it. This
year during hunting season i feel that it was him that let me get my first buck, because the year i worked with him at Kenny's
I got a button buck he never let me forget that I killed Bambi. and he told me he would teach me how to hunt one day.
All I have to say is that your my hero man and I'll never forget what you did. SEMPER FI
-- Heath, Poseyville
Mar. 15, 2007
There is not a day that goes by that James is not mentioned or felt in our hearts
at our home. I can still see James sitting on our couch before he left for Iraq. Our son Jason was talking to me on the phone
from ISU and James walked in the phone got turned over to James and the joy he got from just talking about the Marines and
what he had going on was contagious. James had a true passion to be the best he could be for our Country. We are proud of
James for all he was and all he stood for. Always in our hearts, you are greatly missed. Love, Lana
-- Lana Boyle (Owensville, IN)
Mar. 15, 2007
Jamesy, you are and always will be in my heart, and i'm so proud and thankful
for what you done for us! And not one day goes by that I don't think about you and how you used to give me such a hard time.
I know any time I leave Savannah anywhere I don't have to worry because your watching over her. James I love you dearly and
I will see you again some day. Love your little woman!!
--Sandy Miller
Mar. 27, 2007
God Bless you and your family. James is a hero!
-- Rusty Rhoads
Apr. 8, 2007
I did not have the privilege to know James but I mourn his loss. Thank God for
young men like him. He is what is good and right with America.
-- Mary
Apr. 8, 2007
James was a true friend to me from the first day I meet him. He was one friend
that was on my back for anything. I am dedicating my service for you James, because I was wanting to join out of high school
with you. Thanks for being a great friend to me and you will always remain in my heart. Semper Fi
-- Jeff Klump
28, 2007
Jeff graduated from Marine basic training at Parris Island on October
19, 2007, and will graduate from tank school at Ft. Knox in March, 2008.
i really like this page that you made my husband is going into the army soon.
-- Jessica
Apr. 12, 2008
Loved you then and love you now! Miss your charm and all your jokes. You will
never be forgotten.
-- Deonna & Tim Hoffman
Aug. 17, 2007
-- Dan Price
Sep. 6, 2007
James, Tomorrow it will be a year since you've been gone. I miss you so much
buddy. I know that I am not alone on this one either. I swear I just can't stop thinkin' about all the good times we had.
You always knew how to make me laugh, smile, you name it you could always bring me out of a bad mood. I know you are up there
lookin down on all of us and that you are in a better place, but I just wish you were still here you are missed so much everyday
by so many of us and I just still can't believe that you are gone. You were one of the greatest guys that I have ever known
and met, we have shared so many amazing memories that it seems as if a lot of things remind me of you. My prayers and thoughts
go out to all your family and jamie. They are all amazing people. I love you buddy. ~Kiesel
- Andrea Kiesel
Nov. 2, 2008
Last night, just before 2:30 am, I was talking to a Marine buddy of yours, Barry
Mullen ... the one you called "Beast." He was heading for mass this morning in your memory. Shortly after we talked,
2:30 am came, one year to the moment since that shot ripped through all of our lives. I have been writing a book about
you, buddy. I've interviewed 51 people now including your family, friends, teammates, neighbors, Marine buddies and
others ... and the third draft is now done - all 300 pages of it. The photo permissions have been obtained. It's
just a matter of fact-checking before I head to a publisher with it. This is a book to say that you are missed
very badly by a lot of people, as much today as one year ago, and I want the world to know why.
-- Your friend always,
Chuck Allen
Nov. 2, 2007
So I asked Coach the other day, "Do you still think about James?" "Only everyday."
"Yeah, me too." There are a lot of people who were affected, for the better, by James' life. I'm one. Godspeed.
-- Marvin Susott
July 4, 2008
Mr. Susott is an assistant football coach at Gibson Southern High School
and coached James during his playing years.
today i've held my infant. he's going to turn a year old old on the 28th. thank
you for giving him the chance to grow up in a free society. i love you and miss you.
-- Dylan
June 26, 2008
IT IS THE SOLDIER- It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom
of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer, Who has given us the right to a fair trial. It
is the soldier who salutes the flag, Who serves under the flag & whose coffin is draped by the flag who allows the protester
to burn the flag. James: We met momentarily when you were home, but only a few words in passing. I was proud to see a fellow
vet in uniform. It is not something you see a lot. Thank you for your sacrifice brother, WE SALUTE YOU!
-- Brandon Hopster USN-Operation Desert Storm 94'-99'
Aug. 5, 2008
Awesome Page, really. I think about James every single day. Once in a while
I take a look at the photos. But sitting in my room tonight, and looking at a face,that I havent seen in a while really saddens
me. I hope the book is going well Chuck
-- Barry Mullen
Aug. 8, 2008
Never had the honor of meeting L/CPL Brown it saddens me. He is the best of
America. Semper Fi
-- Dusty Rhodes
Aug. 20, 2008
about a year ago i stumbled on this website and the many letters made tears
fill my eyes. I have once again stumbled on this site after becoming a United States Marine and if possible these words and
letters say much more now than they ever did when i first came on. LCpl Brown you hve served your country, your family, and
most of all, you have served your brothers and sisters well and with honor. Thank you and Semper Fi LCpl Alexis Herrick United
States Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, CA
-- LCpl. Alexis Herrick
Jan. 8, 2009
I want soon much to thank all the men and woman who are fighting for us. It
is not fair that we loose so many of they. I want to say Thanks
-- Virginia Sears
5, 2009
I first met James when he was in middle school with my daughter. We took him
home a few times after basketball practice and he even went to a haunted house with us once. As time went on, he became the
guy that picked on my daughter and called her names and teased her. I always told her that he did it because he liked her.
The end of their junior year proved me right. From then on they were inseperable. They were in love. James became a part of
my family. He was quite a man. He loved his mother and brother and sister so much. To listen to him talk about them, you could
see and feel his love. He helped me and my kids in so many ways. He was a good man. No one could ever take his place in my
heart. Not a day goes by that I don't think of or remember James. I will miss you forever. I love you James Brown. Beth future
-- Beth Douglas
Nov. 8, 2009
James, I was just thinking about you. Just needed to get on your website and
say thank you so much for fighting for your country. James you are loved and missed very much!!! Can't wait to see you again!!!
Love Becky
- Becky Morris
Nov. 17, 2009

I will never forget the memories that I have had with James. James was
more than just my brother he was a best friend, and he always will be. I will never forget fishing everyday and doing stupid
stuff and laughing about it. James was what the whole Marine Core stood for bravery, courage, and endurance. But
he stood for much more he was a heck of a guy he would put others needs before his own. I couldn't be prouder of what he has
accomplished though. He has impacted my life and made me a better person. I will miss him very much
-- Proud brother of LCPL James E. Brown,
Dillen A. Friend
Nov. 23, 2006
I miss my son so very much and there isn't a day that passes that I don't think
about him. I am very proud of James and regret not being more involved in his life. We driffted apart over something very
stupid and were not on good terms for many years, and now he is gone but will never be forgotten. James is a hero, he was
to me long before he gave the ultimate sacerfice for God and country and he will always be on my mind and will forever be
in my heart. I love you son very much Simper Fi.
-- Love Dad
Nov. 7, 2009
To my baby cousin, Fallen but not forgotten. I will miss you. Im glad that i
got to grow up with you. Im glad that you were a part of my life. I always hold your memories tight. Im so proud of
you. You will never be forgotten you will always be in my heart and memories. "I never got to meet you but you sound
like you were a very strong man." We love you and will always remember you and all the other heros like you. "Semper
Fi" Love,
-- your cousins,
Brian, Latisha, Little Brian, Bionca,
and Devon Keith.
I first met James when I gave him a ride to the boxing club in January 2003,
and marveled at his toughness at practices. I tried to videotape him at a Pike Central football game in 2004, but
that didn't work. James was playing right defensive end and Pike Central never ran a single play to his side the entire
half-game. (The lights went out at haftime and the game never resumed, Gibson ahead 50-0.)
I drove James and Joey Hammond to their first-ever bouts at the Golden Gloves in
2003. For 15 seconds, James and his muscular opponent fought evenly, but then his opponent bloodied James' nose
and, wow, what a mistake that was. James pursued him like a wrecking ball after a hundred year-old hotel, pounding him
into the mat -- twice. It was over in 51 seconds. Actually, I'm probably only person who ever called him a
wimp and lived to tell about it ... but I had a smile on my face when I said it and he had just won the Golden Gloves,
so he only gave me a token hit.
But beneath the toughness was a soft side too ... a side that loved his mom,
his deceased dad, his brother and sister, his beloved Jamie, his friends, his teammates and his country.
James was a Marine. Marines are the ones who come
when good people are in trouble and who risk everything they have to help them. What greater thing can be
said of a man?
God bless you, James. We will miss you. We will remember you.
-- Chuck Allen, Louisville
Nov. 8, 2006
I have known James since the third grade and like everyone else in our class
i know that he has truly touched everyone's life in one way or another.. i am soo proud of him for what he did and everyone
knows that he only did what he believed in. he is in a better place now and he will never be forgotten here.. Brown you mean
a lot to everyone and im glad that i got to know you the way i did.. thanks a lot for that.. much love Lex Cole
-- Alexa Mulvaney
Nov. 9, 2006
I never received the pleasure of meeting James, nonetheless I've heard much
about him. I've known Chuck Allen very well for years now. Ever since James started boxing in Evansville I had heard
stories of how fierce he was in the ring. I just wanted to say thank you for all that he gave for us in Iraq.
In a time when so many people are ignorant of what our soldiers give daily for us I want to say Thank You. It means
something to me.
-- Brendan Anslinger, Dayton, OH
Nov. 7, 2006
I have a memory of James when he was 2, It is kinda of funny. James is my cousin
and my aunt Mary called me a couple of days after his death, she asked me if i remembered the time James bloodied my nose,
i said yes he hit me with a fishing pole, we just started cracking up. James is a year older then my daughter so i got to
watch him grow up and when he hit his early teens we seem to get to busy to see each other and i missed out on that. So whatever
we do we need to always try to spend time with family even for a couple hours a week or so. But James you are our hero and
we Love and will miss you. Love your cousin, Becky .
-- Becky Morris, Evansville, IN
Nov. 17, 2006
i first met James in SOI (School Of Infantry) at Camp Geiger North Carolina.
My first impression of him was a tough guy, a guy that I didnt think I was going to get along with. Boy was I wrong. Threw
SOI he became one of my best friends. There wasnt a weekend that went by that myself him and hays wernt with each other at
some time. Later on after SOI we were all three sent to be stationed at Camp Lejuene NC. There the friendship only grew bigger.
Where one was there was the other. I'm just happy i met him and was blessed with his friendship. He was a good man and a great
brother to me. Im going to miss him greatly.
-- Chase Lambert
Nov. 10, 2006
I am formerly from Owensville and I also have a son currently serving in Iraq.
It is his 2nd tour over there. We both send you our deepest condolences and yet we also want you to know that we so appreciate
the sacrifice your son was willing to make for our freedom and safety. I will pray for your peace and comfort. I pray every
night that my son will come home safe and yet I know that if he does not, that he will have died doing what he loved and believed
in and he tells me that I will need to hold on to that. I hope and pray that you can do the same. Peace and prayers to you.
-- Karen Daniel, Petal, MS
(reprinted with permission of Mrs. Daniel)
I am so sorry for the death of your son. I am a mother of a son who served in
Iraq and my son came home healthy. But, I pray every single day for the safe return of all the soldiers. I feel like they
are all my sons and daughter. May God surround you with his love and help you through the days ahead.
-- Karen (Littrell) Guerrero, Evansville, IN
(reprinted with permission of Mrs. Guerrero)
To James's family and friends-
My family and I are praying for you and your family during this difficult time. We send our deepest empathy as we
lost our Marine on 11/30/05 in Fallujah. We are comforted to know that our Marines are serving their country with such honor
and bravery. We are so proud of our Marines and all of our other service men and women for all that they have done and continue
to do to keep us safe and to give us the freedom we have that so many take for granted.
They are true Heroes and need to always be remembered for their selflessness and sacrifice to better our world. We
will forever be united in the loss of our heros. We are so sorry for your loss and hope our words will ease some of the pain,
and maybe fill some of your emptiness.
Yesterday, Today, Forever – Semper Fi - Marines! Our sincerest gratitude for their bravery-
The family of Cpl. William "Billy" Taylor 2/6 WPNS KIA outside of Fallujah 11/30/05
-- Joshua and April Morales (Jeffersonville, GA )

(reprinted with permission of Mrs. Morales)
Perhaps their brave young spirits hear the bugles sing, go to sleep. The
danger has passed, and now at last, go to sleep. Now arises from hallowed ground a delicate cloud of bugle notes that
softly say, Farewell Marine ... comrade true, born anew, peace to you. Your soul shall be where the heros are and your
memory shine like the morning star.
Sgt. Joyce Kilmer 165th US Infantry (formerly 69th NY) 42nd Division American
Expeditionary Force Killed in Action Ourcq, France July 30, 1918
-- An American
The biggest memory of James came during football, I was a a scrawny quarterback
and it was James's responsibility to protect me. I never had to worry about anyone he was assigned to block hitting me. If
there was someone to come through the line, he was the first person to step up and say something to our lineman. No matter
where I was, on the field or off the field, I knew he always had my back... James, you will be missed and I will never forget
how loyal you were to me, and our country.
-- Justin Brewer, Murray State University
Nov. 26, 2006
In Memory of L/CPL James Brown He went to fight a war, one which most don't
understand. One of America's true heroes, defending us in a foreign land. He will always be remembered, by those who keep
him in their hearts. Gone but never forgotten, here his legacy will start. I never had the honor of meeting this outstanding
young man. Something i wish i could have done, so i could have shaken his hand. His mom was very proud of him, as she should
always be. He gave his life for all of us, so we can remain to be free.
-- John Gish
Nov. 25, 2006
u will be missed
-- Neka Latham
Nov. 27, 2006
being in james honor detail was the hardest thing that i have ever had to do
for a friend. we will never forget james cause to marines he was a brother and we dont forget family
-- Cpl. Stephen Forcum
Nov. 28, 2006
Steve has served two tours in Iraq.
The biggest memory I have of James is from football 7th grade year. I
beat him out for the punting team. He couldn't believe I could punt it so far with such a little foot so he called me
"little foot". I think back now and recall how much of a leader he was throughout that football season.
-- Brandon Hirsch
Nov. 30, 2006
James would never make one of his guys do something that he wouldn't do
first. Not only that, but he would always put his guys needs, comforts and overall well-being before his own. That
is a rare thing to find in the world today. Those little things are what separated him from other leaders. Not only was he
an outstanding Marine, but he was also a great person.
It's kind of an unwritten rule that senior Marines aren't supposed to hang out
with junior Marines. I'm glad I broke that rule. I hung out with Brown and got to know him very
well. He had a little brother that looked up to him on another level. He loved his mother and sister unconditionally.
He also talked highly of his stepfather who raised him from a very young child but tragically passed away in a car accident
some time ago.
Brown always said how he felt it was a privilege
and an honor to go to Iraq
and serve his country.
touched the lives of so many people that never got the chance to thank him. I guess this is my chance. Thank you,
Brown. We will all miss you, and our lives will never be the same without you.
-- Cpl. Chad A. Nickerson, India Company
I never knew James but out of respect we attended the gathering on the Owensville
Square the day he was laid to rest. It's amazing how somebody you've never known can touch your heart so deeply.
Family and friends of James are in our thoughts and prayers; and to James, Thank you for being brave.
-- Jeremy, Kali and Crystal Lance
Dec. 5, 2006
James It it was a honor to serve with you. You are one of the best Marines I
have ever worked with. You will never be forgotten. You died for our us and I will tell stories about you for the rest of
my life. You are a true hero, Thank you.
-- Mark Suto
Dec. 29, 2006
James was like a brother to me. He always looked out for me and my whole family.
James was there for me when my brother went away and joined the military. The day that James came back from basic I was so
excited to see him. I always thought that James would be one of them who would make it out of this war. He was the toughest
person that I knew. Every day for the rest of my life I am going to miss him and I will alway have him in my heart and nothing
can change that. All I want is for everyone over there to come home safe because like James's family and people he was close
to and the many others who have lost a loved one that pain is something that they will live with all of their lives. I will
always miss James and will keep him in my heart forever.
-- Shanda Dewig, Owensville, IN
James we had alot of good memories together working in the watermelon fields,
Leaving for the service about the same time I love you like a brother and never will for get you. You are a True Hero.
-- Ronny James, Owensville, IN
My sweet,sweet James, Losing you has been a great pain that will always be in
my heart and mind and soul. But I must say, sweet Nephew you have made me closer to My Lord and savior Than ever before. When
I see you in Heaven, I will give you the biggest Hug and Kiss for all that you have done. The only peace in my heart that
I have, is that I know that you made a stand for Christ and gave your life to Him. I know that you are with him now. Absent
from the body present with the Lord. You know you are a winner. You even Crossed the finish line first. I have fought the
good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Love Aunt Mary
-- Mary Hess
Jan. 11, 2007
James you will truly be missed and youre a local hero. You'll never be forgotton.
-- Christian Kellams and Carl Gentry
Jan. 16, 2007
I have nothing but great memories of James and all the times he would come into
Get-N-Go and keep me company. Even though he probably didn't want to hear about my boyfriend problems he was a great listener
and was there when I needed a shoulder to lean on. I just want to let you know I appretiate you and everything you stand for.
Love ya James
-- Clara Stunkel
Jan. 24, 2007
this website is a great way to show the impact of browns life. he was
on of my best friends and has inspired me to follow the same path he did. we grew up together fishing, working, and playing
sports. i loved that man and his family. he was a great friend and brother. james i want you to know that
i dedicate my service and soon to be born son to you, my friend, my brother, i love you and thank you. i will never forget
-- Andy Garrett, St. Louis
Jan. 28, 2007
Andy graduated from Marine basic
training at San Diego in April 2007 and served in Iraq.
James, I cant begin to explain in words the impact you have had on myself and
everyone who knew you. You took hold of life and suceeded in everything you done. You have always had the gift of being the
best at whatever it may be. In the end you gave everything for everyone. Not a day will pass that you will not be thought
of. It's so hard to not become overwhelmed with grief, but also very hard to not smile and laugh at all the wonderful
memories that were made. We never did have our chance to lace up those gloves. I believe you may have beat me. The best man
always wins in the end. You were always a winner. You will never be forgotten. I love you...
-- Greg Bradshaw
February 1, 2007
I still think about you all the time James.
-- Matt Heichelbech
Mar. 12, 2007
Matt was serving in the U. S. Air Force at Malmstrom AFB, Montana, at
the time of James's death and as of November 2009, was serving in Iraq.
A young man gone way before his time. As a veteran 1977-1985 I can understand
the daily military life he was living. I salute James for being a great Marine and most importantly a great young man.
To his mom,I can not even closely comprehend your loss. I have two young adult children and just thinking about losing
them makes me sick. I pray for you that you can find the strength to get through each day. The web tribute to
James is awesome. He has a loving family who will keep his memory alive. I don't know what else to say but I am
sorry for your loss and if I would ever meet you all I could do is hug you and saythanks for men like James our country stays
free. James is in a special place now with god. I wish you the best of luck and I will mention his name to as
many people as I can when they think they have it hard. Hope to hear from you soon.
-- Mike McCarthy (Newburgh, In.)
Mar. 12, 2007
Family or friends can contact me for Mike's e-mail address.
L/Cpl James Brown, At Ease Marine!! You have served your country well. Thank You!! You will
not be forgotten here!!
Mar. 12, 2007
thank you for your sacrifice. you were a great man and i miss you intensely.
i love you as a true brother and everyone that truly knew you did as as well. we all miss you. semper fi, brother.
-- Dylan
Mar. 12, 2007
It's an honor to pay tribute to this fine young and dedicated UNITED STATES
MARINE. I know his family has many fond memories of him and the love they have for him will help to sustain them. It's American
Heroes like him and those who serve OUR great nation, who are the true backbone of AMERICA ! November 2, the day he died,
jumped out at me because I entered the ARMY on November 2, 1966. Now, on Nov. 2, I'll stop and pay tribute to L/Cpl James
Eric Brown. Next time I'm in the area I'll stop and respectfully place an American Flag on his gravesite. Indiana has lost
one of its finest !!May this brave and dedicated MARINE rest in eternal peace and may God protect our troops. Semper Fi !!
-- P.G. Gentrup, Rising Sun, Indiana
25th Inf Div Cu Chi, Vietnam 1967-68
Mar. 27, 2007
we all miss you. thank you for your sacrifice. your family and your friends
miss you intensely. i'll see you on the other side, brother. love and miss you.
- dylan
Mar. 30, 2007
James was one of those people you will never forget. He was more than a friend
to me he was like my brother, my hero, and my protector. He looked out for me after my brother had already left for the Army.
Just to know James was a gift...unless you did something to get on his bad side, then you were in trouble. If you were his
friend you never had to wory about anyone messing with you because as soon as James found out about it, the ridicule would
stop for some reason. *wink* I never thought anything bad would happen to James while he was in Iraq, but he will never be
forgottin and will always be in my heart. R.I.P. my fallen brother you will not be forgotten.
-- Stef Dewig (Owensville, IN)
Apr. 5, 2007
I would like to offer my condolences to James' family, fiance, and friends for
their loss. It is hard to lose a family member, especially through war.
-- Alexis Herrick
5, 2007
Brown was a crazy one that's no lie.. but he will always be in our hearts and
will never be forgotten! We miss you Brown!
-- Nicole Pegram
May 7, 2007
What a great Marine and great American! Your site is a wonderful tribute to
James, a Hero and an inspiration. Warriors like him are why we are the greatest and most blessed country on earth. God Bless
-- Brian Bailey
May 25, 2007
I wish i could've known James better but we first met in Evansville at a poolee
function. He quickly became a friend and will be missed. Love ya man
-- LCpl. Josh Martin
July 25, 2007
After reading your memorial web site for James I want to just say how blessed
he is to have people in his life who care and love him.My heart hurt's for all of you.BLESS YOU!!!!
-- Debi Scott
Aug. 8, 2007
Well James you have been gone from us for One year Now. It hurts just as much
now is it did a year ago. I found a poem to honor your memory and put it in the paper. I would like to share it. The Final
Roll Call We thought of you with love today But that is nothing new. We thouht about you yesterday And days before that too.
We think of you in silence We often speak your name. Now all we have are memories And your picture in a frame. Your memory
is our keepsake With which we'll never part God has you in his keeping We have you in our hearts. --Unknown Forever in our
-- Randy, Lana, Jason, Shayna Boyle & Kaleb
Nov. 5, 2007
I miss you. Thank you brother. I have 2 beautiful children who will be able
to flourish because of your sacrifice. I will never have the words that could properly thank you.
-- Dylan John
Nov. 11, 2007
james you where a brother to me! ill never forget the years we spent running
wild! life without you is hard! not a day goes by that i dont think about you! nothing is the same with out you! and the world
is truly a lesser place without you! i want to thank you for allways having my back all those years no matter what! thank
you for everything! you'll live with me forever! one day we will be together again!
-- CPL Darin W Dewig
Dec. 2, 2007
Darin served in Iraq for 15 months and was there when James died.
He is currently recovering from surgery for an ankle injury sustained while carrying a wounded soldier
out of a fire fight.
To James's family my heart felt condolences. Being a Disabled Gulf War Vet myself
I understand the tribulations your son suffered during his tenure there. I wanted to take the oppurtunity to thank James for
his service and his family for their sacrafice. May God Bless You James and your Family. God's speed.
-- Bill Westerfield
Jan. 1, 2008
I never got to know James, but I heard some amazing stories of him! I worked
at walmart in Evansville with Jamie when it happened but, never got to know her b/c of what happened to her fiance... but
my heart goes out to her and his family! I lost my fiance as well June 2 2007 but from a heart defect.. but I know how it
feels to want your loved one so badly but can not.. so I am sorry and I am praying for you all! I am so thankful for your
James and all that he did! He sounds like an amazing guy.. I dont even know him personaly and he is one of my hero's! God
Bless your whole family! And I pray God will bless you all until you get to be with him again!
-- Kerry Sizemore
Mar. 14, 2008
Semper Fidelis Brother
-- James
Mar. 20, 2008
We all love James. I only knew him for the 4 months that we served together
in Iraq. I slept on the top bunk in OP Bears next to him. I remember he let me borrow his pillow one day while he was on patrol.
When he came back I tried to give it back but he said "nah, you keep it you look more tired than me". That was James Brown
to me. I have got some pictures of James that I would like to mail to his family.
-- Sgt. Timothy Walsh, USMC
Apr. 8, 2008
today i graduate with a degree in electrical engineering. thank you for your
sacrifice and i hope that i've made you proud. i love you brother and i know you're there with me today. semper fi
-- Dylan John
May 10, 2008
Dylan graduated on May 10, 2008. Congratulations!!
James, I know that we hardly knew each other, but I can't describe the respect
I had for you. We were in the same boot camp platoon. I only found out yesterday about what happened (20070604). I looked
up to you and never got the chance to tell you that, as we went our separate ways quickly after graduation. 2073 would have
been a lot different without you, for the worse. Finding all of this out a year after the fact makes it all the more hard.
To his family- James was an outstanding Marine and I feel privileged to have known him. Fellow Hoosier, Fellow Marine, you've
done your job, and we are proud of you.
-- Ryan Austerman, LCpl.
June 6, 2008
it would have been less than a yr for us to get out and we would have went on
with our lives but i just want you o know that a day doesnt go by where i dont think about you honestly i just want you to
know your fallen never forgotten semper fidelis
-- lcpl trent schapker 2d tanks A.CO
31, 2008
I was James' wrestling teammate back in 01-02. He was a great person and will
have and always be missed.
- Matthew Martin
Sep. 27, 2009
i seen this website today, and read some of these letters they brought tears
to my eyes. this truly a great thing. i will always find a time in my day to remember james. he is greatly missed.
- Mike Kiesel
Sep. 22, 2009
While I only attended Gibson Southern for a semester I got the honor and privilege
to meet and become friend with you james. I remember picking you up for school everyday and how when i was new you and wicker
were the first to take me in I will never forget you my friend or the way you made times fun I will forever try to bring smile
to other people's faces as I know you would have, and to all my titan friends serving wicker bear garret heichelbech alex
klump and anyone else I may have forgotten you are missed and I hope we can all party again together for james.
- Sam Reuger
17, 2009
I am a member of Rolling Thunder Indiana Chapter #6. I didn't know James personally,
but feel this website has given me some insight into the little boy, young man and hero. Thanks for sharing, Dee
Doretha Diefenbach-Hines
Nov. 22, 2009